If only we have half of it, it will be 5,000 of us!
If only 5,000 buying at our own hypermarket with the average spent RM 505.00 per month means we have RM 2,525,000.00 sales each month. If the profit margin is only 2%, we can actually make RM 50,500.00 a month. In a year we will make RM 606,000.00.
If only we can build and sell 500 houses a year, which is 10% of our member buying, with the profit of RM 60,000.00 per house sold, we are actually making RM 30,000,000.00!
If only we can sell 500 cars a year, which is again 10% of our member buying, with the profit of at least RM 5,000.00 per car sold, we are actually making RM 2,500,000.00 out of this business.
If only half of us have 2 children, that will be 5,000 children in our own day care centre. If the profit is RM 30.00 per head each month, then we have another RM 1,800,000.00 extra each year.
Not to mention other businesses that we can create, we actually already have at least RM 34,906,000.00 in profit a year. How much does this means to us? Everything!
If only we can distribute half of the profit to the koperasi members, how much actually each of us will get each year? RM 3,490.60!
And how much do we need from you to become a member? Only RM 200.00, RM 100.00 for membership and RM 100.00 for the minimum share!
"Those who charge usury are in the same position as those controlled by the devil's influence. This is because they claim that usury is the same as commerce. However, GOD permits commerce, and prohibits usury. Thus, whoever heeds this commandment from his Lord, and refrains from usury, he may keep his past earnings, and his judgment rests with GOD. As for those who persist in usury, they incur Hell, wherein they abide forever."
"Orang-orang yang memakan (mengambil) riba itu tidak dapat berdiri betul melainkan seperti berdirinya orang yang dirasuk Syaitan dengan terhuyung-hayang kerana sentuhan (Syaitan) itu. Yang demikian ialah disebabkan mereka mengatakan: "Bahawa sesungguhnya berniaga itu sama sahaja seperti riba". Padahal Allah telah menghalalkan berjual-beli (berniaga) dan mengharamkan riba. Oleh itu sesiapa yang telah sampai kepadanya peringatan (larangan) dari Tuhannya lalu ia berhenti (dari mengambil riba), maka apa yang telah diambilnya dahulu (sebelum pengharaman itu) adalah menjadi haknya, dan perkaranya terserahlah kepada Allah. Dan sesiapa yang mengulangi lagi (perbuatan mengambil riba itu) maka itulah ahli neraka, mereka kekal di dalamnya." (Surah Al- Baqarah, Ayat 275)
The journey continues…
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