Saturday, January 30, 2010

Zakat itu wajib...

"Berdasarkan sejumlah hadis dan laporan para sahabat dan setelah kita membaca sejarah penetapan rukun-rukun Islam yang ada sekarang, kita mengetahui bahawa solat 5 waktu adalah rukun pertama yang wajib dijalankan oleh kaum muslimin, iaitu di makah pada malam peristiwa Isra' sesuai dengan fakta. Kemudian baru puasa yang diwajibkan di madinah pada tahun 2 Hijrah bersamaan dengan zakat fitrah yang merupakan sarana pensucian dosa, dan perbuatan yang tidak baik bagi yang berpuasa, dan sarana pemberian bantuan kepada orang-orang miskin pada saat lebaran. Setelah itu barulah diwajibkan zakat kekayaan...", Dr Yusuf Qardawi.

1. Zakat pendapatan bermaksud zakat perolehan yang merangkumi pendapatan gaji dan pendapatan bebas seperti pendapatan ahli profesional. Walau bagaimanapun perolehan hasil harta yang tidak mempunyai struktur zakatnya tersendiri dan juga sumbangan daripada mana-mana pihak jua sekalipun adalah juga diserapkan dalam perbincangan ini. Kesemuanya ini dibincangkan sekaligus kerana persamaan asasnya yang menjadikan hukum bagi kesemuanya adalah sama.


Pengertian gaji ialah pendapatan pengajian seseorang yang merupakan ganjaran perkhidmatannya dengan sesuatu majikan atau orang perseorangan atau syarikat atau institusi. Contoh:

• Gaji tahunan
• Tunggakan gaji
• Pelbagai elaun (kenderaan, makan, mesyuarat)
• Lain-lain (termasuk bonus atau sesuatu yang boleh dikira sebagai pendapatan yang berkaitan dengan penggajian.


Pendapatan bebas ialah pendapatan seseorang melalui sesuatu kerja atau usaha kepakaran atau perkhidmatan yang merupakan ganjaran daripada khidmatnya. Contoh:

• Khidmat guaman
• Khidmat nasihat
• Juru perunding
• Rawatan perubatan
• Kejuruteraan
• Seniman

2. Zakat wang simpanan adalah salah satu jenis zakat harta. Zakat ini dianggap wajib dikeluarkan sebagai zakat kerana ia adalah satu hakmilik atau harta-benda yang boleh dikembangkan. Ini merangkumi semua jenis wang sama ada kertas, syiling atau di dalam bank yang tanpa ada kerugian dan piutang. Jenis zakat:

• Zakat Terus - harta dari aset kewangan seperti surat bank, perhiasan, surat berharga
• Zakat Ainiyah - nilai benda simpanan yang dimiliki
• Zakat Hauliyah - harta yang cukup setahun
• Zakat Nisbiyah - harta yang dikeluarkan adalah relatif atau tidak mutlak, dengan kadar peratusan 2.5% dari harta yang wajib zakat.
• Zakat Naqdiyah

Syarat zakat

Berikut adalah syarat bagi wang simpanan :

1. Cukup nisab, 85 gram untuk emas dan 595 gram untuk perak.
2. Harta cukup satu tahun (haul).

Zakat KWSP dikenakan kerana konsepnya serupa dengan zakat wang simpanan, cuma perbezaannya simpanan di KWSP tidak boleh dikeluarkan dengan mudah seperti akaun simpanan biasa. Wang KWSP ialah wang simpanan milik individu yang disimpan dalam KWSP sepanjang tempoh perkhidmatan dan telah mencukupi kesemua syarat wajib zakat kecuali "milik sempurna". Syarat "milik sempurna" akan dipenuhi sebaik sahaja wang tersebut dikeluarkan dari KWSP.

Terdapat dua pandangan berkenaan zakat bagi KWSP.

1. Milik Sempurna. Menurut pandangan ini, zakat hanya wajib dikeluarkan ketika pencarum mengeluarkan wang tersebut (sekiranya cukup nisab). Kadarnya ialah 2.5%.

Nilai zakat = Jumlah wang caruman yang dikeluarkan x 2.5%

2. Milik Tidak Sempurna. Mengikut pandangan ini, caruman pekerja (tidak termasuk caruman majikan) yang tersimpan di dalam KWSP dikenakan zakat apabila cukup nisab dan haul. Ini bermakna zakat wajib dikeluarkan pada tiap-tiap tahun apabila memenuhi syarat-syarat zakat walaupun wang tersebut masih berada di dalam tabung KWSP. Kadar zakatnya juga 2.5%.

Nilai zakat = Jumlah wang yang dicarum pada tahun itu x 2.5%

3. Zakat emas dan perak ialah zakat yang dikenakan ke atas beberapa jenis logam berharga, iaitu emas dan perak. Kewajipan zakat ke atas logam ini dijelaskan dalam firman Allah S.W.T. bermaksud: " Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Sesungguhnya banyak di antara pendeta-pendeta dan ahli-ahli agama (Yahudi dan Nasrani) memakan harta orang ramai dengan cara yang salah dan mereka menghalangi (manusia) dari jalan Allah (agama Islam). Dan (ingatlah) orang-orang yang menyimpan emas dan perak serta tidak membelanjakannya pada jalan Allah, maka khabarkanlah kepada mereka dengan (balasan) azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya. " - (Surah At-Taubah: 34)

" (Iaitu) pada hari dibakar emas perak (dan harta benda) itu dalam Neraka Jahanam, lalu diselar dengannya dahi mereka dan rusuk mereka, serta belakang mereka (sambil dikatakan kepada mereka): Inilah apa yang telah kamu simpan untuk diri kamu sendiri, oleh itu rasalah (azab dari) apa yang kamu simpan itu. " - (Surah At-Taubah: 35)

Zakat Emas dikira dalam dua keadaan.

1. Emas yang tidak dipakai (disimpan) - yang tidak digunakan atau dipakai walaupun sekali dalam tempoh setahun. Jika nilai emas tersebut menyamai atau melebihi 85 gram (nisab), maka wajib dikeluarkan zakat sebanyak 2.5%

2. Emas yang dipakai - (sebagai perhiasan) walaupun sekali dalam tempoh setahun tidak wajib dikeluarkan zakat ke atasnya. Tetapi jika ia melebihi ‘uruf’ (nilai kebiasaan pemakaian masyarakat setempat), maka ia diwajibkan zakat dengan kadar 2.5% atas lebihan dari nilai uruf. Nilai yang diambilkira adalah nilai semasa emas sahaja iaitu tidak termasuk batu permata.

Zakat Perak

Beza zakat perak dengan emas cuma nilai nisabnya iaitu 595 gram.

4. Zakat perniagaan ialah zakat yang wajib dikeluarkan hasil daripada harta perniagaan sama ada berasaskan pembuatan, perlombongan, perikanan, perkapalan, pembekalan, pertanian, perkhidmatan atau sebagainya dengan tujuan diperniagakan, sama ada dalam bentuk perniagaan persendirian, perniagaan perkongsian sesama Islam atau dengan bukan Islam, perniagaan semua jenis syarikat, koperasi atau perniagaan saham dan sebagainya. Kadar zakat yang wajid dikeluarkan ialah sebanyak 2.5% atau 1/40 daripada semua nilaian harga barang-barang yang diperniagakan pada tarikh cukup haul.

Zakat perniagaan ini sebenarnya ialah sejenis zakat pendapatan.

Syarat wajib zakat

1. Islam
2. Sempurna milik
3. Merdeka
4. Cukup haul (biasanya setahun)
5. Cukup nisab (berubah2 mengikut harga pasaran emas)

Kaedah pengiraan zakat

Terdapat dua kedah pengiraan zakat perniagaan:

1. Kaedah Model Berkembang (Growth Model)

Ia mengambil kira ekuiti pemilik entiti perniagaan tersebut, sumber-sumber pembiayaan kewangan dan dibuat pelarasan sama ada dicampur atau sebaliknya. Di dalam istilah yang lebih ringkas ialah Modal dicampur dengan Keuntungan.

Harta yang dikenakan zakat = Ekuti Pemilik + Liabiliti Jangka Panjang - Aset Tetap - Aset Bukan Semasa +/- Pelarasan

2. Kaedah Model Modal Kerja (Working Capital)

Ia mengambil kira kedudukan Harta Semasa perniagaan ditolak dengan tanggungan semasa perniagaan dan dibuat pelarasan dengan beberapa perkara yang berkaitan dengan zakat yang perlu diambil kira. Pelarasan ini dibuat samaada dengan mencampurkan item-item yang telah dikenalpasti perlu ditambah atau membuat tolakan.

Harta yang dikenakan zakat = Aset Semasa - Liabiliti Semasa +/- Pelarasan

Nota: Pelarasan ialah seperti barang-barang yang tidak diwajibkan zakat, barang bukan milik sempurna, wang yang dipinjamkan dan sebagainya.

Penjelasan dalil

Firman Allah s.w.t, dari surah Al-Baqarah, ayat 267: "Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, keluarkan zakat sebahagian daripada hasil usaha kamu yang baik-baik dan sebahagian dari apa yang kami keluarkan dari bumi untuk kamu."

Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w: "Menjadi sesuatu kewajipan ke atas setiap Muslim bersedekah (zakat)". Mereka bertanya, "Wahai Rasullullah, bagaimana yang tidak mempunyai harta?". Baginda menjawab, "Bekerja untuk mendapat sesuatu untuk dirinya lalu bersedekah." Mereka bertanya, " Kalau tidak mempunyai pekerjaan?". Baginda bersabda, "Tolonglah mereka yang meminta pertolongan". Mereka bertanya lagi, "Bagaimana pula jika tidak berkuasa?". Baginda menjawab, "Kerja ke jalan kebaikan dan tinggalkan kejahatan, hal itu merupakan sedekah".

5. Zakat ternakan ialah zakat yang wajib dikeluarkan apabila sempurna syarat-syaratnya. Haiwan ternakan yang diwajibkan zakat adalah kambing, biri-biri, lembu, kerbau dan unta. Haul semua haiwan sama iaitu 1 tahun. Manakala nisabnya berbeza mengikut haiwan, misalnya kambing 40 ekor, lembu 30 ekor dan unta 5 ekor.

Dalil wajib zakat ternakan

Rasulullah SAW bersabda yang bermaksud: "Daripada Muaz Ibnu Jabal, beliau berkata: Baginda Rasulullah SAW telah mengutus aku ke Yaman dan beliau memerintahkan aku dari setiap 40 ekor lembu, satu ekor lembu (musinnah-Lembu betina berumur 2 tahun lebih) dan dari tiap-tiap 30 ekor lembu, (tabi`-Lembu jantan berumur 1 tahun lebih), atau tabiah (satu ekor lembu jantan atau betina yang mencapai umur 2 tahun)." - (Riwayat Ibnu Majah)

Syarat wajib zakat ternakan

1. Islam
2. Sempurna milik
3. Merdeka
4. Cukup nisab (genap setahun)
5. Binatang ternakan tidak digunakan untuk bekerja seperti membajak sawah, menarik kereta dan sebagainya.

6. Zakat hasil pertanian merupakan zakat yang dikenakan ke atas makanan ruji yang mengenyangkan ke atas sebuah kawasan yang telah cukup nisab dan haulnya. Hasil tanaman yang wajib dizakatkan adalah bijirin dari jenis makanan asasi yang mengenyangkan dan tahan lama jika disimpan seperti padi, kurma, jagung, gandum dan sebagainya. Hasil tanaman yang tidak asas seperti kelapa, kelapa sawit, getah, lada hitam, tebu, koko dan buah-buahan lain pula dikenakan zakat perniagaan jika diperniagakan.

Dalil zakat pertanian

Firman Allah SWT bermaksud: " Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Belanjakanlah (pada jalan Allah) sebahagian dari hasil usaha kamu yang baik-baik dan sebahagian dari apa yang Kami keluarkan dari bumi untuk kamu dan janganlah kamu sengaja memilih yang buruk daripadanya (lalu kamu dermakan atau kamu jadikan pemberian zakat), padahal kamu sendiri tidak sekali-kali akan mengambil yang buruk itu (kalau diberikan kepada kamu), kecuali dengan memejamkan mata padanya dan ketahuilah, sesungguhnya Allah Maha Kaya, lagi sentiasa Terpuji. " - (Surah Al-Baqarah: 267)

Syarat wajib zakat

1. Islam
2. Sempurna milik
3. Merdeka
4. Cukup nisab - cukup sukatan iaitu 5 Ausuk (bersamaan 363 gantang Malaysia)

Kaedah mengeluarkan zakat pertanian

Biji-bijian dan buah-buahan yang cukup nisabnya hendaklah dibayar zakatnya mengikut peratus penghasilan. Kadar peratus pembayarannya bergantung kepada cara-cara penghasilnya. - Biji-bijian dan buah-buahan yang sampai nisab yang diusahakan dengan menggunakan tenaga manusia atau lainnya seperti binatang dan jentera atau dengan perbelanjaan yang banyak maka kadar zakatnya ialah 5% atau 1/20. - Biji-bijian dan buah-buahan yang sampai nisab yang hanya bergantung kepada jirusan air hujan atau hidup dengan aliran sungai atau parit maka kadar zakatnya ialah 10% atau 1/10.

Bagi tanaman yang mengunakan kedua-dua cara di atas maka kadarnya ialah 7.5%.

7. Zakat rikaz dan ma'din. Ini merupakan satu jenis zakat kekayaan barang galian.

Rikaz bermaksud harta yang ditemui, ini merupakan sesuatu harta yang tidak dinampak, disorok, ditanam, disimpan dan dipendam oleh seseorang insan sebelumnya. Harta yang dinyatakan tidak nampak seperti ditanam di dalam tanah, gua atau sesuatu perbuatan yang menyembunyikan. Harta ini termasuk emas, perak, tembaga dan pundi-pundi bernilai.

Ma'din merupakan harta hasil bumi yang bernilai seperti emas dan perak. Hasil bumi ini boleh dinyatakan seperti petroleum, batu permata, dan lain-lain jenis yang berhubungan dengan bumi dan nilainya amat berharga seperti emas dan perak.

Syarat pengeluaran

• Zakat Rikaz wajib dikeluarkan tanpa ukuran jumlah (nisab) dan tanpa cukup setahun (haul) atau ukuran waktu. Barang atau harta ini, perlu menemui dengan kadar wang sebanyak 85 gram emas (20 miskal atau misqal) dan 595 gram (200 wang perak (dirham). Kadar zakat adalah 2.5%.)

• Zakat Ma'din, wajib dikeluarkan bila terjumpa atau dijumpa. Tidak ada tempoh waktu (haul). Barang atau harta ini, perlu menemui dengan kadar wang sebanyak 85 gram emas (20 miskal atau misqal) dan 595 gram (200 wang perak (dirham). Kadar zakat adalah 1/5 bahagian)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Where we are going…

We are not going abroad yet, not even to the neighboring district, our operation is still in Kinta, a district in Perak state. We need to start the long journey some where so we start here in Kinta, Perak. And we need all the support in Kinta so that we can duplicate what we do here through out the country soon.

What we are going to do first…

We are going to have our own hemodialisis centre in Batu Gajah. Our hemodialisis clients are sponsored by Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Melayu Perak and an NGO named Pertubuhan Amal Kita, Kinta. We will start with 36 patients. Each patient will come to our centre at least 12 times a month. If each treatment contributes RM 50 net income, then we will have RM 21,600.00 (12 x 36 x RM 50.00) as net income for KO-KITA each month. In a year, KO-KITA will have at least RM 259,200.00 profit out of this project.

If we have only 1,000 members with the minimum share of RM 100 each, we will have a total of RM 100,000.00 in share. If we are paying out 20% bonus and dividend in the next financial year, we will actually paying only RM 20,000.00 out of the RM 259,200.00 profit. In short, if we plan to pay out RM 200,000.00 as bonus and dividend, we need at least 10,000 members!

We actually need that 10,000 member to get the hypermarket license. If the hypermarket comes true, with the member of 10,000, and each member spend RM 200.00 a month for their groceries alone at the hypermarket, we already have RM 2,000,000.00 sales a month. If we only have 3% to set aside monthly for the bonus and dividend, at the end of the year, we will have another RM 720,000.00 (RM 60,000.00 monthly) to pay out as bonus and dividend.

With the CIDB license that we have, we actually can build houses and buildings for our own members. Say for the first project, we build a hundred houses and cost of development per house is RM 100,000.00. We sell the houses to members at the price of RM 160,000.00 each. We will actually have a profit of RM 60,000.00 per house. For the whole 100 houses, we will actually get the profit of RM 6,000,000.00 in the next financial year. If we decided to pay out half as bonus and dividend, we actually have another RM 3,000,000.00 to give out to the members in the next financial year.

If we can finance the purchase of the house ourselves, say an installment for 20 years. Each member will only have to pay RM 666.67 monthly for a house worth RM 160,000.00. And at the end of the day, the member will own a house at interest free. Then, we will have our way of doing things, the Islamic way. The journey continues…

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Koperasi KITA

As a muslim, we actually have our own way of doing things. There are so many things that we need and do in life but as I wrote before, we just go to basic. Food, clothes, shelters, rides, etc. and some people even put money as basic needs.

Food is something that we eat and it will become part of us. If the food is good, we will be good. And as I wrote before, there are foods that have a halal logo but actually produced by non-muslim. And there are a lot of food that produced by muslim never have a halal logo. So halal’s logo is not the issue here. It’s the muslim themselves who have to decide which to take and which not. By now, every muslim should know the do’s and the don’ts. If we don’t know then we have to ask those who knows. If we are not sure then we also have to ask those who knows. Else we will be in the dark, not knowing the truth. If we are right then it is good, what if we are wrong?

I dress the way I am. So does most of us. I like casual. Muslim has our own dress code. There is something called aurat. So, as long as we follow the guideline then it’s alright. One day, I went to see a maybank vice president. The first thing she asked me was, “how did you know Dato’ Wahid?” I told her that when he was in form five, I was in form one. Then she smiled and told me that most of his school mates that she met were just as casual as me.

What I am trying to say here is not what I wear but who made it. If we can wear clothes that made by a muslim, that will be better. But most of the time we wear something that is not made by a muslim because it’s either too expensive or too cheap. Or, some of us thought that it’s already out of fashion.

Some of us have a big house, some have a smaller one, some own, some renting. But everyone needs a place to stay. The government has a good hand in helping the poor; they even give a free house under the PPRT program. Some say this program allocates RM 32,000.00 per house, some says RM 38,000.00 and some want it to be RM 45,000.00. Which is which, we never know. But I had an experience to be the sub-contractor for one of the houses in Senggang, Kuala Kangsar. The main contractor secured the job for RM 35,000.00. I was supposed to supply the labor and machinery for RM 12,000.00 till the project completed. The materials actually cost around RM 8,000.00 to RM 10,000.00. So, the actual cost for the house is actually RM 22,000.00. But the main contractor felt that the profit was still not enough. He overridden me and took my labor to work for him direct! How much is enough? For nothing is actually ever enough.

As a muslim, we should be more thankful and syukur of what we have. We are lucky to be more fortunate than those who are not. Give them a helping hand and let them make it, so that one day they also can help others. But some muslim now a day’s thought that if they can get things for free, it is better, so that they don’t have to work. This is a bad sign. Then they will never get cross the line out of poverty!

Once, for some, when they had a bicycle to ride, it was already good enough. My grandfather used to cycle from Bagan Datoh to Sungai Raia, which was more than 100 km. my father used to ride a motorbike from Teluk Intan to Ipoh. Now, most of us have a car or some even have cars. It’s never a luxury now as it is a necessity for us to have one. How do we own a car? Each of us has our own answer. I’m lucky that my mother bought me one. Else I have to borrow from the finance company to buy one. Then I will be caught with riba. The only way that I can avoid riba is to buy the car cash!

Money is never enough. If we have more money, there are more things that we want to have. But those days, as Tun Mahathir wrote in malay dilemma, Malays got no worries as they plant their own padi for rice. They go fishing for fish and they pluck vegetables just around the house. Nothing to worry. But now things have change. Everything needs money. We even have to pay to release ourselves at the public toilet. So money is also a basic need.

How do we fulfill all these basic needs?

Works and works. Some have enough and some don’t. Some even have two jobs to cover the bills. And some are too busy that they don’t even have a life. Price tag never goes down. It’s always goes up. A lot of things to pay, the worse thing are that the interest never goes down. It grows each day.

Being moderate is a muslim way of life. So, we only live as what we can afford. If we are less fortunate, then others or the muslim brothers and sisters have to help. There is also baitulmal to help them. For the fact, baitulmal in our country is not really working. No one knows the real reason why. I once saw before my eyes, a poor man came to the zakat center asking for help. The lady clerk was standing with arms akimbo, with her nose pointing up attending to him. That was not a muslim way of doing things! Pity him and pity her. There is no more ukhwah or brotherhood or sisterhood in islam anymore.

Most of the muslim now likes to beg for most of the things now a days. Not much muslim willing to give a helping hand too. Each one of us are busy with our own life, thinking of the money that is never enough. No more syukur concept. No more thought of, we are lucky to be us. There are some people who have a worse day than us. Thank God, Alhamdulillah syukur…

The reason why we have this kind of life is because we were brought up in a different way, not the muslim way. Not much muslim is looking into this. Most of us over look the small things that actually make us different. We are in a different way, not the muslim way, the moderate way.

How can we help this situation as we are in a different world now. Kentucky fried chicken, pizza hut, and McDonald are not our food, or it is?

We need to change, check our own wallet. Buy things that we only need. Nothing is wrong to dine in KFC or any other fancy restaurant. Just check your pocket. As once, I took my brother who just started working as a teacher to coffee bean. He said, if not that I took him there, he will never go into that kind of coffee shop.

If only we work together, things will be cheaper. We supply our own food, clothes, shelters, rides and create more jobs for us. Each one of us plays our own part. We work together in a group for example Koperasi KITA. We start a sample in Kinta then we duplicate it through out Malaysia!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Our Way…

Tun Mahathir used to say and sing, my way. I like to say, its our way. When I was younger, people used to say that ustaz will teach you the religious way and teacher will teach you the academic way, two different ways. Are there really two ways, or there are actually many ways?

But, a long time ago, I learned that islam is actually a way of life. There is actually teaching in every aspect of life. The two basic principles are halal and haram - the do and don’t.

When the answer is suppose to be yes or no, may be is actually not applicable. Always go back to basic, basic needs. Food, clothes, shelter, rides, etc. some even put money as basic needs. Before we go further, halal and haram that I’m talking about here is in the eyes of a muslim.

Halal doesn’t need logo halal to be halal and haram doesn’t need a logo haram to be recognize. But the logo halal should actually help us to easily distinguish the two. Anyway guide line is clear. So, basically we can always use the very basic knowledge to differentiate the two. For example, anything to do with gambling is never halal. Riba is never halal. Some people have the wrong idea of halal and haram. Some thought that anything that is prepared by a muslim is halal. Is liquor prepared by a muslim halal?

The formula of halal and haram is actually as follow:

hl = halal, hr = haram

hl + hl = hl, hl + hr = hr, hr + hr = hr

When we talk about riba, the basic concept is, rice with rice, the different is riba, money with money, the different is riba. So, if we borrowed RM 10.00 and the repayment is RM 10.10, the RM 0.10 is riba. And some even have the idea that, if the profit margin, when it is too high, then we call it riba too. Anyway, as I said before, we just go back to basic.

On the other hand, sale and purchase is actually halal. But what about sale and purchase of stolen goods? Anyway, let us just focus on the transaction of halal things.

Say one buy a house at the price of RM 50,000.00. A bank finance the purchase, and the person end up paying RM 75,000.00 after 20 years. The difference of RM 25,000.00 is actually a riba.

Is there anyway that we can buy a house at interest free today? The answer is yes, buy it cash!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

We need a new vehicle...

Why hypermarket?

Once, we went to the nearest shop, then we went to the nearest mini market. In the mid 80’s, we started to go to the supermarket. In the new millennium, shopping at hypermarket becomes a phenomenon. People start to go to hypermarket as it is cheaper there most of the time. Even the groceries shop owners go to hypermarket. (

If we have 10 thousand members at any given place, say Kinta district in Perak and each member spend only RM 200.00 each month at our own hypermarket (KO-KITA Hypermarket), we already have RM 2 million sales a month. If the profit margin is 5% alone, we already have RM 100,000 profit a month. In a year, we already have RM 1.2 million in profit a year.

If the member have only RM 100.00 share each in the KO-KITA, 10,000 members will actually contribute RM 1 million in share for the business. Surprisingly, RM 1.2 million profits is actually a 120% return for the investment.

If only we have 10 branches in Perak, we would have profit of RM 12 million a year. And if we have 100 branches through out Malaysia, the profit will be RM 120 million a year. That is only based on hypermarket business alone. What about the construction and other businesses that we have?

Hemodialisis center is also one of our businesses. Each center will actually contribute roughly RM 10,000.00 every month. If we have 100 centers, it contributes another extra RM 1 million a year. We just go to the basic business that we create for KO-KITA. A few other business that we can create are multi level car park, library system for schools, websites for schools, budget hotels and rest houses, car and motorcycle sales and financing, houses and buildings contractors, houses and buildings sales and financing, day care centers for children and senior citizen, and we actually have a long list on how to make the money for KO-KITA.

What do we need is for you to support us and become a member. Let us make the changes today for the benefit of our future generations.

Tun Mahathir once said he failed. He failed to change the people through politics, let us not fail again through economic revolution. Malay Dilemma by Tun Mahathir and Revolusi Mental by Tan Sri Senu Abdul Rahman are two books to be read so that we will understand more on our situation today. On implementation, both were done by the government. By Revolusi Mental, that’s how we get our education system today, and by Malay Dilemma, that’s how we get our economic today.

Today, we need a new vehicle. Those days we have rockets to travel to the moon, today we have space shuttles. Times change, people change and so does method and doing things. KO-KITA is the vehicle now, and let us ride together to reach the destination…

RM 200.00 is actually too much...

Back in the 70’s, I brought 20 sen to school. Today, some children even bring RM 20.00 to school. The different is only 40 years, and that is actually the value of ringgit today. If we have RM 200.00 today, not much that we can do, astro bill is already RM 100.00, electric bill is at least RM 50.00, phone bill will come up to another RM 50.00 and so on. In short, RM 200.00 is actually a small amount for an investment now a day.

But money is still money. Though some of us think that RM 200.00 is a small amount, to some of us, RM 200.00 is hard to earn. And today, it is actually very hard for one to save RM 200.00 monthly. Too many bills to settled, too many needs to be fulfilled and left us negative in our monthly account. Some have credit cards to back this shortage and some have monthly payments to settle to the banks. All these tie us up so that RM 200.00 is actually too much to be set aside as a saving.

What can RM 200.00 actually help you, the Malaysian and KO-KITA?

It will make you the member of KO-KITA and KO-KITA has one more new member. As I wrote before, KO-KITA needs at least 6,000 members in order to have its own hypermarket. KO-KITA needs the number soon as we need to be the first koperasi to make this hypermarket happen.

If, the KO-KITA hypermarket comes true, then…

As I wrote before, we try to make it as simple as possible, we can creat a loan or advance by the koperasi for the members to buy KO-KITA shares, and the best part is, we the koperasi will offer the facility to our member at interest free - advance RM 10,000.00 and the members only have to pay back RM 10,000 to the koperasi. Say if the loan is RM 10,000.00, divide by 5 years, it will come to RM 2,000.00 a year to be settled or RM 166.67 as monthly repayment. So, if the member has RM 10,000 shares, at the end of the year or before hari raya, he or she can shop up to RM 1,200.00 free of charge at the hypermarket as bonus and dividend - assuming 1% is set aside each month for this purpose.

As the first KO-KITA hypermarket come true, we will expand our membership and our operation through out Malaysia with the same concept. Then all Malaysian will get the benefit. We are our own brand and we shop at our own place. And the journey continues…

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I’m back and back on track...

Alhamdulillah, I’m back and back on track, continue to serve the people. Let the by gone be by gone and looking forward for a better tomorrow.

Just before i was hospitalized, a few month actually, back in December 2008, i was busy with a baby called Koperasi Kinta Utama Perak Berhad.

The idea of the koperasi is actually very simple, to gain economically as we work together. There is a long list of what we can do to make it happened ( as listed in my blog. The first move is to have our own hemodialysis center. We already have a verbal agreement with Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Melayu Perak that they will send 30 of their sponsored patients in kinta to us as a start. Second, we already have our own CIDB building contractor license, and we move on from there…

One of the biggest idea of this koperasi is to have our own hypermarket. In order to have one, we need at least to have 6,000 members. and for this reason, I really need your helping hands, my friends. Its not just going to be a hypermarket actually, I would rather call it a KOKITA Station where most of the things are centered there. A hypermarket, day care center for children and senior citizen, hemodialysis center, hotel and rest house, motor vehicle sales and financing, housing and building developement, the one ringgit clinic or even hospitals with minimum charges.

How it works… very simple, we need at least 6,000 members in any given area, as for now is daerah kinta in perak, where I’m staying and where we are going to start the long journey…

It is a fact that most of us going to hypermarket for our monthly needs for its cheaper there. I go to TESCO, some of us go to Giant and so on. If only we have our own hypermarket, I believe, all of us will go there. not only because its cheaper, but its ours. And at the end of financial year, we will also get the bonus and dividend. Say if we have RM 10,000 shares, at the end of the year or before hari raya, we can shop up to RM 1,000 free of charge at our own hypermarket as bonus and dividend for us – considering 1% set aside each month for this purpose.

How to get the RM 10,000 share…? we try to make it as simple as possible, we can creat a loan or advance by the koperasi for the members, and the best part is, we the koperasi will offer the facility to our member at interest free - advance RM 10,000 and the members only have to pay back RM 10,000 to the koperasi.

We wont stop there, we will also sell cars at RM 30,000 for example and the members will also pay only RM 30,000.00. so will the houses or shop lots or buildings, if the price is RM 160,000, we will only need to pay RM 160,000 because we are our own builder and contractor. No more interest to pay, and we will be free from riba.

If all this can happened in daerah kinta, can it happen in teluk intan or even in kuala lumpur or will it happen to each district in Malaysia? If it happened in Malaysia, can it spill over to the neghbouring country or at least our muslim brothers and sisters country…?

Dear friends, I need all the support and help that I can get to make all these to happen. I cannot do it alone. We are not talking about thousands or millions to make all these to come true. We just need a minimum out of us for the benefit of our future generations…

Monday, January 11, 2010

As I was in the hospital...

Alhamdulillah... i survived, when i opened my eyes, the first question was, "kat mana ni yang?". and my wife explained that i was in the hospital. "since when?" "three weeks" she replied. "jamal is coming" she added. and then i was lost again... by noon i opened my eyes and asked my wife, "mana jamal, kata nak datang?". then i was lost again... in the evening, when jamal was there... i greeted him and then, all i remember was sitting on the bed the next morning waiting for the doctor to come! i was very eager to be discharged... then I don’t know how, i was home and I remember greeting my father in law as he came with my children, khairina and farhana. I was still lost since I can hardly stood up on my feet. Two days I was on the wheel chair. clueless of what had happened and the memory was on and off. there were a lot of questions that I cannot answer… I was lost then and felt frustrated for there were a lot of things that I cannot do and remember. my feelings was mixed up and most of the time, there were tears in my eyes now and then… i never give up though…

I was born a muslim...

Alhamdulillah, i was born as a muslim. so did my children, my parents, my parents’ parents, my wife, my wife's parents, my wife's parents’ parents. and i always thought that I am muslim enough till one day i was hospitalized for Meningitis. there were two types of bacteria infected the meninges... and again Alhamdulillah, i survived though i was semiconscious for three weeks, three days on ventilator and lost weight for more than ten kilograms as I checked out. I have no memory neither of how i got to the hospital nor the whole time that I was warded. Alhamdulillah syukur… those were the only two things that I had lost, the weight and the one month memory. and the journey continues...